Update Your Kitchen Cabinets With Paint: What You Can Do

Your kitchen cabinets may still be in good shape, which is why replacing them altogether is probably not a cost-effective idea. You can update your kitchen cabinets instead with paint rather than replacing them to both save you money and prevent having to rip out perfectly good cabinets. To paint your kitchen cabinets, you'll need to follow the proper steps. Read on for instructions to paint your kitchen cabinets.

Tools And Materials For The Job:

  • Acrylic paint
  • Primer
  • Paintbrushes
  • Paint rollers
  • Painter's tape
  • Screwdriver
  • TSP cleaner
  • Rags


  1. To begin with, you'll need to clean your cabinets thoroughly. You don't need to take the cabinets off of the wall, but you do need to take the cabinet doors and drawers out. It's best to empty all of the contents of your cabinets as well to prevent getting any paint on them. You'll need to clean the cabinets with TSP cleaner, which is a cleaner that can remove just about anything including grease and stains. The TSP can be applied with rags, but they need to be rinsed thoroughly.
  2. Once your cabinets have all be cleaned and everything has been removed from them, you can begin painting them with primer. The primer helps the paint adhere to the cabinets and gives them a smooth look. Use the paintbrushes and rollers to apply the primer. Allow the primer to dry before attempting to paint the cabinets.
  3. After your primer is dry, you can begin painting. Paint them any color you prefer. When painting them, use the paintbrush to paint inside any grooves or panels, then use a roller to roll the paint onto the smooth surfaces. Catch any drip marks before they dry, or you'll end up having to sand the area down and start all over again. 
  4. After you've painted your first coat, allow the first coat to dry and paint a second coat. You may even need a third coat if it isn't covering your cabinets enough. 
  5. If you prefer, you can use a topcoat to protect your new paint job.
  6. Once the paint or topcoat is completely dry and set (this can take up to 48 hours), replace your cabinet doors and drawers in your home.

If you are considering updating your kitchen and want to replace your cabinets, think about painting them instead of replacing them. Hire a professional painter to paint your kitchen cabinets for you instead of attempting to do all of this work yourself.

For more information, contact a local painting service.
