3 Things To Know About Exterior Painting

There's much more to painting your home's exterior than choosing a color that works. Things like paint sheen and quality are just as important. Also, correct paint application makes a huge difference. A sloppy paint job will detract from your home, even if the paint is of extremely high quality. When it comes to exterior painting and your home, here are a few things you should know before getting started.

Hiring Painters Is Your Best Bet

While you may be tempted to pick up a paintbrush and tackle the outside of your home, you'll see better results if you spring for an exterior painter. Painting is not as easy as it looks. Having the right tools and experience makes a world of difference when it comes to an exterior paint job. Exterior painters will ensure that the correct type of paint is applied to your home and that it's applied correctly. Hiring exterior painting professionals will ensure that your paint lasts for years to come. 

It Will Take A Few Days

A few factors will impact your exterior painting timeline. Your home's size and whether it's multi-storied will affect how long it takes to paint. The condition of your home also plays a role. A home exterior that needs a lot of repairs will take longer to paint. Also, the type of paint you select will impact your timeline. As long as the weather cooperates, exterior painting usually takes 4 to 5 days. Professional painters have equipment like paint sprayers to make this work go faster. However, it will still take a few days for the exterior paint job to be finished for most homes. 

The Cost Will Vary

What you pay an exterior painter will depend on your home's size and the type of paint you choose. The higher the paint's quality, the more you will pay. The material your home is clad in will also impact your bottom line. Some surfaces will require more paint than others, especially if they are porous. On average, exterior painting will typically set you back between $1.50 and $4 per square foot

There are a few things to know before painting the outside of your home. First, before you pick up a paintbrush, it's important to know that exterior painters will do the job better. Second, most exterior painting takes a few days to complete. Finally, how much it costs to paint your home depends on its size, the quality of the paint, and what material your home is clad in.

For more information on exterior painting, contact a company near you.
